Device Pairing Guide - Technical

Device Pairing Guide - Technical

EZ Pairing Mode for WiFi Devices

A deep dive into the technical configurations and process involved in pairing a Clever Life Smart IoT Device.


1.       Device is powered on and in pairing mode. 

a.       Device scans the local 2.4GHz WiFi band, listening for a specific data packet type (IEEE 802.11g) that will be sent from the mobile device running the App/pairing process.


2.       On the mobile device, the ‘add device’ option is selected.  If the smart device is a dual radio device (Bluetooth and WiFi) it will automatically appear in the Add device list.  If not, you will need to select the device from the available list.


3.       Once the pairing process commences, the App will encapsulate the pairing data (WiFi Network SSID & Password) into a specified section of an IEEE 802.11 packet, and using your mobile device Wi-Fi connection, send the data packet to the network.


4.       At this time, the WiFi module in the Smart Device is ‘listening’ for the packet data being sent over the available network.  The module parses (Definition - hears and accepts the transmission of data) the packets that are carrying the pairing data from the app, and loads this into the cached memory of the Smart Device.


5.       Next the device will start to establish a network connection

a.       At this point the device sends an association request to the selected Access Point (AP) or router, requesting to join the network.

b.       The AP sends an association response, either accepting or rejecting the request.  See FAQ 5 below for more info on this.

c.       Once accepted and the device is now associated with the network, and the device obtains an IP Address from the DHCP server.

d.       The device is now connected to the network and can start communicating with other devices.

e.       The device now establishes a connection with the Clever Life IoT Cloud Service using the Wi-Fi network.  This enables the device to send and receive data, firmware updates and perform other cloud-based services.

f.        The device is then registered with the Clever Life IoT Cloud Service and is assigned a unique device ID and generates an encryption key for secure communications.

g.       The device is now available to view and control in the Cleverlife Home App.


Troubleshooting & Tips

1.       It is essential to ensure your mobile device is connected to a 2.4GHz WiFi network only.  If not, the packet data sent to the network in step 3 will be transmitted on the wrong frequency and the smart device will not be able to receive (hear) the data.


2.       Ensure the device is in pairing mode, following the product manual or instructions.  These can also be found on our website at



3.       Ensure you have entered the WiFi credentials correctly into the Cleverlife Home App when prompted during the pairing process.  If the SSID and Password are entered incorrectly, the wrong information will be sent to the smart device, and it will not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network.


4.       Ensure the smart device is within reasonable range of your AP or Router.  You can test this by holding your mobile phone at the smart device location and performing a speed test.  Slow speeds and high ping times indicate a weak or poor connection and may hinder the initial pairing process.  Note – once connected a smart device can operate on a poor network with >95% success, even when the ‘Poor Signal Strength’ message is displayed in the App.  A signal level of >70dbm is considered poor and will trigger the App to advise of this condition every time the device control page is opened.


5.       Encryption and Security.  Ensure your AP or Router WPA Encryption is set to WPA 2 / PSK.  You can check this in your AP or Router settings page.  For information on this consult the manufacturers or ISP website.

a.       Many newer AP’s and Routers are now WiFi 6 enabled and as a default will be set to WPA 3.  This causes problems at step 5.b as the association request will be denied due to incorrect security parameter.


6.       Ensure you are not using a VPN.  This will interrupt the connection process during step 5.e as a VPN will disguise you IP address.  Clever Life IoT Cloud Service requires registration to Australian IP address only.  Satellite internet can also provide a similar conflict to a VPN.  If this type of connection is unavoidable, then we recommend using a mobile 4G Hotspot to complete the initial pairing process.  Once registration is completed, the device can be connected through the VPN or satellite network without problem.  Instructions on using a Mobile hotspot for commissioning can be found on our website

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